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Tourism plans and packages to San José del Guaviare

The department of Guaviare, territory of immense natural wealth of hardworking and friendly people, opens its doors to travelers to enjoy its magnificent landscapes and exotic settings.


The Guaviare has unmatched natural resources, on the mountains of the beautiful we have natural landscapes that amaze the visitor. It belongs to the Guiana shield, rocky outcrops of precambrian origin that have been carved by erosion, caused by air and sea currents sculpting, shaping, forming these places of unique beauty giving rise to tunnels, labyrinths, overlapping rocks that challenge the laws of nature, finding the art of the cave figures of native cultures, who populated these places more than 9,000 years ago and so far it has begun to conduct studies on these ancestral cultures unknown by scholars of the subject; in the Guaviare 10 micro basins are born that irrigate the Guaviarense soil, forming the majestic Guaviare river, lagoons, waterfalls, rivers, and pipes.


The Guaviare is a destination of nature, land of rocky outcrops, rivers, lagoons, waterfalls, huge murals of rock art, infinite jungle rich in fauna, flora.

We invite you to know this magical natural destination Guaviare.

Tourism plans and packages to San José del Guaviare

Las personas que deseen realizar los recorridos, pueden hacerlo desde Villavicencio, aproximadamente a 5 horas de trayecto en bus o en carro particular se encuentra el municipio de San José, también es fácil llegar en vuelos directos desde Bogotá o Medellín. El Guaviare es un destino de naturaleza que pertenece al escudo Guayanés, tierra de afloramientos rocosos de origen precámbrico que ha sido tallado por la erosión ocasionadas por el aire y las corrientes marinas, departamento rico en fauna, flora y arte rupestre.




Tourism plans and packages to San José del Guaviare

San José del Guaviare es un destino maravilloso en Colombia, a continuación unas fotos tomadas por nuestros turistas en los diferentes atractivos turísticos. Fotografías sin filtros y con calidad directa de los teléfonos y cámaras de nuestros visitantes.

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