¿How to get to Caño Cristales?
To get to Caño Cristales, you must first make a direct flight, from Villavicencio, Bogotá or Medellín to La Macarena Meta, we tell you how to do it and the alternatives.
Caño Cristales by plane:
Bogotá - La Macarena flight duration is 1 hour (El Dorado Airport or Guaymaral alternate airport)
Medellin - La Macarena flight duration 1:45 (Olaya Herrea Airport)
Villavicencio - La Macarena flight times are approximately 35 minutes to 1:10 depending on the aircraft that corresponds to the traveler (Vanguardia Airport Second floor)
Once all the flight disembarkation procedures have been carried out, the tourist must listen to some talks made by the environmental authorities of the area, after having made all necessary protocols to be able to go to our destination according to the permits granted by National Parks and Cormacarena, these will be our first day tours.
Caño Cristales in car:
To get to La Macarena by car you have to travel from Neiva to reach the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán through a road that is not paved, an uncapped as we call it here in Colombia. With an average time between each municipality of five (5) hours. If you are coming from the interior of the country, you must first reach Neiva (Huila), then Florence (Caquetá) and then San Vicente del Caguan.
The journey time from the city of Neiva to La Macarena, Meta is approximately twelve (12) hours in a 4X4 car, a well-equipped truck, since the journey between San Vicente and La Macarena can be in regular conditions.
There is a line of 4X4 trucks that have permanent service between the municipality of San Vicente del Caguan-La Macarena-San Vicente del Caguan.
The other way to get to La Macarena by land or by car is to travel from Villavicencio to San José del Guaviare and from there take the route to the municipality of La Macarena in an approximate route between 9 and 10 hours.
The Villavicen- San San del Guaviare road is paved and in optimal conditions, the duration of this journey is between 4 and 5 hours of travel. From San Jose del Guaviare to La Macarena there is a reel uncovered in regular conditions with an average time of 5 hours minimum trip.
The municipality of Macarena connects with the municipality of San José del Guaviare through the Guayabero river on a route that lasts approximately eight (hours). This tour is done in flying across the Guayabero river and is only done on one day a week (Saturdays).